In the old days, Witches were acutely aware of the Moon and used her phases to time all manner of things. They also knew how the Moon's phases would affect people. Much of the lore has been lost through the burning times as well as through the intrusion of scientific thought. As Witches reclaim their heritage and knowledge, it's time to bring back some of the Moon lore. Witches of old went by what they observed in the sky. Nowadays we have access to astrological almanacs, and they are inexpensice and easy to use. These techniques are not just for the mystical magical portion of your life, either. They work in everyda life also.

First and most important is to decide what you want to accomplish. The more concise and clear you can be, the better you can refine your options. Then decide on the time period you want to do your working. Some techniques (like day and night) are easily adaptible for a working in a short time period. Some are better adapted for long time spans (Moon phases). The best way to use them is to try them, take note of your results, and decide which are most comfortable for you to use.

One concept that is vital for using these techniques is that the exact time you start something is the time that you "imprint" upon it. That activity gets a "birth chart" for the moment you start. So if you want to time a ritual, for example, you time from the start of the ritual, whatever you might consider that to be. Whether the entire ritual lasts twenty minutes or four hours is irrelevant. Only that start time matters. A more mundane example is if you start a job, the day and time you actually start the job is the time of the birtchart, no matter whether plan to be at the job temporarily, or to keep the job for the rest of you workig career. These techniques use a different type of astrology than the standard birthchart astrology, so different rules apply.

If you are interested in a more in-depth treatment of the same material, check out the book Astrologikcal Magick by Estell Daniels (Weiser Publications), and you will find more explanations and ideas.

Author~Estelle Daniels~

®The Almighty Sorceress, ©1999-2006
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