Each lunar month (from New Moon to New Moon) is a cycle of idea, implementation, fruition, harvesting, and then rexamination and reevaluation to prepare for the beginning a new cycle at the next New Moon. Watch how projects tend to be started around the New Moon, develop and are usually implemented around the Full Moon, are tested and evaluated as the Moon moves from Full to New, then are either left on auto-pilot or revamped and the cycle starts again near the next New Moon. Long term projects may have a life over several lunar months, but the sub-cycles of creation (New Moon); crisis (second quarter); implementation or coming to fruition (Full Moon); reevaluation, test and reexamination (fourth quarter); and finally ending and the start of a new sub-cycle (New Moon) still are in effect.

Waxing And Waning Of The Moon

Using the waxing and waning Moon can be effective in timing. From the moment after it is New until the moment it is Full, the Moon is waxing, or increasing in light. This is good for growing, getting larger, being brought out into the open or into public view, increasing, being brought to fruition, starting new projects, or leaving on a trip. The Moon is waning from the moment after it is Full until the moment it is New. Waning Moon is good for decreasing, withering, dying, being kept secret, endings, finishing up old projects, delving into hidden things or the past, or returning home form a trip. A waning Moon is a good time to start a diet (this that must decrease), and a waxing Moon is a good time to start a bank account or IRA (things that must increase).

Timing a working to reflect the time needed for the completion of a project can be effective. It it is a long-term project that will take weeks or months, and it is building up, start right after the New Moon. You are using the waxing energy, bit will take time for the Moon to become Full, which reflects the time it will take for the project to be fully realized. If you want quick results, time you working to just before the Full Moon. This reflects the short time span for accomplishment. The quarter Moons are times of crisis, realignment, reevaluation, and reinforcement of a working. For a long-term project you might start your working right after the New Moon, reinforce it at the second quarter, and do a final push for results right before the FullMoon. Similar times apply to the waning cycle. The quarter Moons are good for spells that give you a swift kick to action.

The moons phases relate to the Goddess cycle. She is born at the New Moon, she is a maiden at second quarter, and she is growing in beauty and maturity until she is a mother ( and possibly pregnant) at the Full Moon. The Full Moon is the most powerful time for accomplishing change. She is in her glory and at her brightest and most fertile. As the Moon wanes after it is Full, she grows older and changes from Mother crone, no longer fertile but full of wisdom, knowledge, underworld (her fourth face) when no longer visible. She is reborn at the New Moon, and emerges into the world as maiden at the second quarter agian. The dark of the Moon is a time when the veils between the worlds are thinnest and it is good for divination. The New Moon is the time best for gathering information. The Full Moon is also good for divination and can be a time when people tend to be more emotional and less rational, hence the notorious "lunacy" of Full Moon.

(To Be Continued)

~Author Estelle Daniels~

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