More Misconceptions

Well, today was Friday the 13th, and the world didn't come to an end. It was just another day as usual, but there are people out there who are very superstitious. Actually in the books on numberology, 13 is a lucky number. It is considered an even number and it you add 1+3, you have 4....an even number!! walla!! All even numbers are considered lucky numbers and all odd ones are considered to be unlucky. To some people, it could happen...But people have to have something to blame their mishaps on.

I can remember when I was a little girl, walking on a crack ,would mean breaking your mothers back, a black cat walking in front of you, was bad luck, as walking under a ladder would be. We stop and look back and realize how foolish we were. There are so many superstitions out there, it is unbeleivable. Have you noticed there is no 13th floor in a high rise building? I wonder why? Superstition!!

I can also remember my mother being superstitious. Ever hear of tossing salt over your left shoulder, when you knocked over the salt shaker? Or having an itchy nose meant that you were going to kiss a fool, or have a fight? That an itchy left palm meant that money was coming in? Never say never knock, is usually followed by knocking on wood. Not lighting more than 2 cigarettes on one match, to keep the enemy from seeing you. An other one for that one, third person lighting the cigarette on the same match (if it was a female, meant she was going to get pregnant. How about the needle and thread test, to determine what sex your babies will be. Drop silverware, and that meant that company was coming. A knife was a man, a fork a woman and a spoon a child. I never saw much of the company, and I dropped a lot of silverware. I Hated doing dishes. And I was a clutz to boot. These superstitions have been around forever. Do we still believe in them? Some things make you wonder, but I sure wouldn't stake my life on it. A cat crosses my path, I'll pick it up and love it to death. It doesn't make any difference what color it is. I love animals. The bad luck is for the cat, for it didn't get where it was going to begin with. Giggles!!
Ever see a horseshoe over the front door of a house or barn. This is to protect the people and animals and homes from anything bad. Salt poured around the outside of the house is to protect the house and family from evil spirits..
Another misconception is, all witches are woman. That's not true. There are male witches too. There are families out there that practice what they beleive in. Men, woman and child. Is that so horrible?? Some male witches are also known as Worlocks and Sorcerers.. Females are known as Sorceresses and Witches, mostly as witches. It doesn't matter what one calls themselves. They beleive in the good of the world. Don't get me wrong. Like I said before, there is good and bad in everything. There are people who use Witchcraft for evil things...for personal gain, against others, but MOST all witches are not like that.
I'm not here to convince you to become a Witch or Worlock , Sorceress or Sorcerer or anything else. Just pointing out some of the things that people should know. It's called freedom of choice. Freedom of religion. Freedom of speech. Before you condemn someone for living the life that they beleive in, find out more about them. Indians were known to use magic, herbs to heal, and they beleive in the animal spirits as well as the human spirits. We didn't condemn them, we wanted to learn more about them. Still do. I find Indian lore extremely fascinating...Why shouldn't I. I have Indian blood in me too...Maybe there were witches in my heritage too....and yours!! Try not to be so closeminded.

My next pages will be on the phases of the moon and how they are used in Witchcraft. See you soon!
Brightest Blessings!
The Almighty Sorceress. ©1999-2006
Almighty Imaging Graphic Designs

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