Altar Tools

Magic Knife
The magic knife (or athame) has an ancient history. It is not used
as a cutting knife. In Wicca, it is used to direct energy raised during rites
and spells. It's rarely used to invoke or call upon the Deities for it is an
instrument of commanding and power manipulation. We'd rather invoke
the Goddess and God.
The athame is usually dull, double-edged, with a black or dull
handle. Black absorbs power. When an athame is used in a ritual, it is used
to direct energy. Some of the power is absorbed into the handle--only a tiny
amount---which can be called upon later. Sometimes energy raised within a
Wiccan ritual is channeled into the knife for later use.
Some Wiccans engrave their athame with magical symbals. I did mine
and encryptd my name using Theban letters...It added a bit of mysticism
to my athame...Most people can't read it...Theban is also known as the
Witches alphabet.
A sword is sometimes used in Wicca, but definitely an outdoor
tool, because of it's size.The symbolism of the knife (athame) is a tool that
causes change, and linked with the element of fire. Its phallic nature links itwith the God.

White Handle Knife
The white-handled knife is called a bolline and is simply a practical,
working knife as opposed to the purely ritualistic magic knife. It is used to cut
wands or sacred herbs, to inscribe symbols onto candles, or on wood, clay, or
wax, and in cutting cords for use in magic.
It is usually white handled to distinguish it from the magic knife.
Some Wiccan traditions dictate that the white-handled knife be used only
within the magic circle. This would limit its usefulness. I use mine as
mentioned above.

The Crystal Ball (Sphere)
Quartz crystals are very popular today and they are an ancient
magical tool too. They are expensive, ranging fro 20.00 to thousands of
dollars, depending on the size. Most crystal balls on the market today
are glass, leaded glass, or even plastic. Genuine quartz crystal balls can
be determined by their high prices and inclusions or irregularities.
The crystal ball has been used in contemplative divination. The
diviner gazes in the ball until the psychic faculties blossom, and images,
seen in the mind or projected by it into the depths of the crystall, reveal
the necessary information.
In Wiccan ritual, the crystal is sometimes placed on the altar to represent
the Goddess. Its shape (spheroid) is Goddess Symbolic, as all circles and
rounds, and its icy cold temperature (another way to determine the genuine
rock crystal) is symbolic of the depths of the sea, the Goddess' domain.
They crystal ball may also be used to receive messages from the
Gods, or to store energy raised in ritual. Some Wiccans scry in the crystal
to call up images of the Goddess or of past lives. It is a magical object
touched with the divine, and if you find one, guard it carefully.
Periodic exposure to moonlight, or rubbing the crystal with fresh
mugwart, will increase it's ability to spark our psychic powers. It may be
the center of Full Moon rituals.

The Cup (Chalice)
The cup is simply a cauldron on a stem. It symbolizes the Goddess
and fertility, and is related to the element of Water. It can be used to hold
water ( that is often present on the alter), it may also contain the ritual
beverage imbibed during the rite. It can be made out of nearly any
substance; silver, brass, gold, earthenware, soapstone, crystal and other

The Pentacle
The pentacle is usually a flat piece of brass, gold, silver, wood, wax
or clay, inscribed with certain symbols. The most common, and indeed the
only necessary one, is the pentagram, the 5-pointed star which has been
used in magic for centures.5
5The pentacle was "borrowed" from ceremonial magic. In this
ancient are, it was often an instrument of protection, or a tool used to
evoke spirits. In Wicca, the pentacl represents the element of Earth and is
a convention tool upon which to place amulets, charms or other objects to
be ritually consecrated. It is sometimes used to summon the Gods and
Pentacles are also hung over doors and windows to act as protective
devices, or are ritually manipulated to draw money owing to the pentacle's
Earth Associations.

The Book Of Shadow
The book of shadows is basically a diary,that contains all your
invocations, ritual patterns, spells, runes, rules governing magic, and so on.
They are written by an individual Wiccan, or can be passed down the line
from other Wiccans upon initiation. Some of todays Wiccans are even using
floppy discs to store their book of shadows. I prefer the conventional
"Book of Shadows"
To get a book for your Wiccan Book of Shadows, go to any bookstore,
art supply store. You can get them with ruled paper or nonruled pages. Here
you will keep any spells, rituals, invocations and magical information that you
would like to preserve.
Never feel tied down to conventional words. You don't have to go by
the exact words to spells and rituals. Some Wiccans really have the ability to
write their own spells etc. Use your imagination in composing a spell or ritual.
Make sure you copy your spells and rites by hand...this way you will know that
you read the work completely, and allows for easier ready by candlelight. If you
memorize your spells and writes, you won't have to worry about finding your
place in the book.

The Bell
The bell is used for unleashing vibration which have a powerful effect
according to its volume, tone and material of construction. It is a feminine
symbol and is often used to invoke the Goddess in ritual. It is also rung to
ward off evil spells and spirits, to halt storms, or to evoke good energies.
Placed in cupboards or hung on the door, it guards the home. Bells are
sometime rung to mark various sections and to signal a spell's beginning
or end.. Any type of bell will do.
These are some of the tools used in a Wiccan ritual. Work with
them, get to know their power and pour your own energy into them, and soon
you will be in tune with them.
As you collect your tool, prepare it for ritual. If old, strip it of all
associations and energies; it's your energy that you want there, not someone
elses, and you don't know what it's purposes was before you.
Clean the tool physically, using the proper method. When the object
is clean and dry, bury it (in the Earth or a bowlful of salt) for a few days,
allowingthe energies to disperse or plung the tool into the sea, river or lake,
or even your own bathtub after purifying the water by adding a few pinches
of salt.
Don't ruin a good piece of wood by wetting it, or mar the finish
by putting it in contact with salt. Use the appropriate method for each tool.
After a few days, dig up the tool, wipe it clean, and it is ready for
magic. If you use the water menthod, leave the object submerged for a few
hours, then dry it. Repeat the process if needed til it is clean. There are
consecration ceremonies for the Wiccan tools as well as preparation rites.
Use what your intuition tells you.

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