Once you have obtained your magical tools, they must be cleansed and dediciated to your specific use, and they should be kept for that use only if at all possible. This imbues them with a sense of the sacredness and adds another layer to the performance of ritual. Since a person's magical tools are an extension of their magical nature, a person should always ask permission before handling any personal magical item.

Everything which is to be used in ritual should undergo a prior banishing and blessing. Many items have passed through several hands before coming to you. Along the way, they pick up psychic energies, some of which may be negative. When preparing for a magical working, you would not want to be bringing these energies into your circle. Even packages of incenses and candles should be properly banished and blessed before using; however, it is acceptable to do the ritual over the entire package, rather than doing a cleansing on each individual item.

Remember that focus and intent is the centerpiece of all magical workings. You must clearly see the outcome you desire in order for it to happen. Therefore, when blessing altar tools, visualize them becoming pure and clean as you perform your ceremony.

To begin the banishing...hold the item in your right hand.
Draw a banishing pentagram over the item with the left hand while saying:
"I Take This_name of object_And Draw From It All Inimical Influences."
Circle your left hand over the object as if gathering up a bunch of strings, draw the influences away, and ground them by casting them to the earth.
Then transfer the object to the left hand and while drawing a Celtic Cross Over the object say:
"I Bless And Consecrate You."
Breathe across the object putting your energies into it while saying:
"I Breath Upon You With The Breath Of Life ."
Then draw a blessing pentacle over the item while saying:
"I Name You _______________Of The Art , Pure And Sacred For My Ritual Purpose."

The object is now ready for use.
There may come a time when the item you are using is no longer useful and you wish to replace it with another. Items which have been dedicated to a ritual use should be disposed of ritually. Placing an item in running water, such as putting salt or ashes down the drain is acceptable. Other items such as candles used for ritual purpose should be buried or burned completely.

Items which cannot be disposed of so easily, such as an athame or chalice, may be made unmagical by using a ritual similar to the above in which you pull from the item all magical influences, ground the energy, and explain to the athame or whatever that it is no longer a magical tool.

Given to me by WindDancer
~The Almighty Sorcerss, 2001
