In common with most religions, certain objects
are used in Wicca for ritual purposes. These tools invoke the Deities,
banish negativity, direct energy through our touch and intentions.
Some of the tools of the Witch (the broom, cauldron, and magic wand)
have gained firm places in comtemporary folklore and myth. Through the
popularization of folks tales and the work of theDisney Studios, millions
knowthat cauldrons are used to brew up potions and that wands transform
the drab into the beautiful. Most folks, however, don't know the powerful
magic behind such tools and their inner symbolism within Wicca.
To practice Wicca, you may want to collect at least some of these
tools. Search thru antique and junk shops, swap meets and flea markets for
these treasures. Check with occult suppliers and occult catelogues. Some may
be difficult to find, but well worth your effort.
These tools are not necessary to the practice of Wicca, but they do
enrich rituals and symbolize sampled energies. The tools have no power save
for that which we lend to them.
Some say that we should use magical tools until we no longer need
them. I feel more comfortable using them myself.

The Broom (Besom)
We use brooms in magic and rituals. It is a tool sacred to both the
Goddess and the God. It is used to cleanse the area for the set up inside
or out for the alter. It is more than a physical cleansing, for we visualize
the broom sweeping out the astral buildup that occurs where humans live.
This purifies the area to allow smoother ritual workings.
Since it is a purifier, the broom is linked with the element of
Water. There are many old spells involving brooms. In general, the broom
is a purificatoryand protective instrument, used to ritually cleanse the area
for magic or to guard a home by laying it across the threshold, under the
bed, in windowsills or on doors.
The broom used for magic, as with all magical tools, should be
reserved for this purpose only. If you decide to buy a broom, try to find a
round one; the flat Shaker-type brooms just don't seem to have the
same effect.

The Wand
The wand is one of the prime magical tools. It has been used
for thousands of years in magical and religious rites. It is an instrument
of invocation. The Goddess and God may be called to watch the ritual
with words and an uplifted wand. It is sometimes used to direct energy,
to draw magical symbols or a circle on the ground, to point toward danger
while perfectly balanced on the Witch's palm or arm, or even to stir brew
in a cauldren. It represents the element of Air to some Wiccans, and is
sacred to the Gods.
There are traditional woods used for the wand, including
willow, elder, oak, apple, peach, hazel, cherry and so on. Wiccans cut
it the length from the crook of the elbow to the tip of the forefinger, but
this isn't necessary. Any length of straight wood can be used; even a
dowel can be used, purchased from your local hardware store, works
well. They can be carved, and painted your to your own liking. Today
you can purchase some beautifully made wand thru your favorite
supplier or mail order companies. Any type of wood will do for your
purposes, for they will be infused with energy and power.

The Censer
A censer is an incense burner. It can be made of anything,
like brass, iron, shells, any metal that can hold the smoldering incense with-
out causing a fire. I have several...One for my rituals and magic, and some
just to use around the house. because it smells good and has a calming
effect on me.
You don't have to buy an incense burner. You can make
your own. Take any cup or bowl and fill it half way with salt or sand to
absorb the heat. It prevents the bowl/cup from cracking.
Incense in ritual and magic is an art in and of itself. It nothing
specific is called for, use your own imagination in mixing your blends.
Stick, cone or block incense can be used, and Wiccans love to use the
raw or granulated incense, the type which must be burned on selflighting
charcoal briquets and can be purchased at your local occult supplier.
In ceremonial magic, "spirits" are sometimes commanded to
appear in visible form in the smoke rising from the censer. While this
isn't part of Wicca, the Goddess and God can sometimes be seen in the
curling, twisting smoke. Sitting while breathing slowly and watching the
smoke can be an entrancing act, and you might slip into an alternate state
of consciousness.
Wiccan ritual, when performed indoors, isn't complete without
incense. Outdoors a fire often substitutes, or stick-type incense is stuck into
the ground. The censer is an important tool for indoor rites. To some of the
Wicca, the censer represents the element of Air. and is often placed before
the images of the Deities on the altar, if any.

The Cauldron
The cauldron in the best Witch's tool. It is an ancient vessel of
cooking and brew making, steeped in magical tradition and mystery. The
cauldron is the containerwhere magical transformations occur; the sacred
grail, the holy spring, the sea of primeval creation.
We see the cauldron as a symbol of the Goddess, the manifested
essence of fimininity and fertility. It is also symbolic of the element of
Water, reincarnation, immortality and inspiration. Celtic legends concerning
Kerridwen's cauldron have had a strong impact on contemporary Wicca.
A cauldron can be used as a focal point of ritual. During spring
rites, it can be filled with frest water and flowers; during winter a fire can
be kindled inside the cauldron to represent the returning heat and light
of the sun (the God) from the cauldron (the Goddess). This links in with
agricultural mythswhere the God is born in the winter, reaches maturity in
summer, and dies after the last harvest.
The cauldron should be made out of iron, resting on three legs,
with its opening smaller than its wides part. It can be purchased from your
occult supplier in different sizes today. They come in sizes from a few inches
across to 3 feet across.
The cauldron can also be used for scrying (gazing) by fill it with
water and staring into its inky depths. It can also serve as a container in
which to brew up some fantastic Wicca brews. A large fire, and plenty of
patience is required to get a large cauldron boiling.
(To Be Continued)

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