Some Misconceptions of Witchcraft

have been studying the Wiccan ways for many years on my own. There is a lot of information on the net about Covens and Solitary Witches, from all over the world. It's amazing how many people are involved in Wicca, Witchcraft. It is an old religion from many years ago and has been carried on throughout the generations, even after all the Witch Hunts, The Inquisitions, murdering and every other inconceivable thing that could be done to a person. The true believers have carried on with what they beleive in, and it still exists today and still growing. A lot more, and faster than you realize.

Since it is, and always has been, considered a Religion, and we are all supposed to have the right to chose what Religion we prefer to acknowledge, there are a lot of people who cannot accept the Wiccan, Pagan, Celtic, Druidism ways. So many people think that we are something terrible, evil and that we are all Satan worshipers. Many belong to groups or covens and many practice alone. Others think that witches practice all evil things and perform perverted rituals and such. It's true that there is good and bad in everything. There are exceptions to every rule, and a true witch doesn't beleive in Satan. What about all the good that witches do? Most witches are involved in keeping harmony in this world.

Witches are in tune with nature, with the world, to keep the balance so badly needed in todays world. They live normal lives just like everyone else. They go to work, raise families, worship the gods and goddesses that they beleive in, as all religions do. Some work in groups to help each other. Some are healers. Witches are very gifted people just like everyone else. They all have different talents and use these talents, to raise money, to pay their bills, to help others and for so many great causes. They are interested in our ecology, trying to preserve wildlife, keeping America and the world clean and beautiful.

They are against child abuse, of any kind, spouse abuse, and all the bad things that go on in the world today. What they do and how they acheive their goals is much better than what so many people out there do. Working together as a group makes the rituals, spell, incantations stronger when all combined. One prayer is good, 10 is better, 50 is great!! So what's wrong with Witchcraft?? Find out about us before you condemn us. You'll be surprised in what you find.

People that are not beleivers, are afraid, because they fear what they have no knowledge about. They condemn others when they themselves don't understand. You mention the word "Witch" in front of someone who doesn't understand or believe, and you have to be bad, evil, and any other descriptive word that fits the criteria. People are shallow minded. Well people, I think it's time for everyone to open their minds and hearts and learn. Stop being shallowminded and learn more about these people before condemning them.

Among all the Covens in this world today, there are many, many, solitary witches. People who practice alone. People who believe the same as those in a Coven, but feel more comfortable working alone. As long as they are comfortable and acheive their goals, and live for what they believe in, why not? Who are they hurting? These people could be your next door neighbor, someone you work with, people you deal with in every walk of live. Witches are out there! Yet you have no idea who they are, for you don't understand, or even care, or they just chose to remain anonymous because of the way people think.

I don't belong to a Coven, but as I mentioned, I have studied for many years and instead of telling you what a Coven is, or their creed, I would like to tell you some of the ways of the Witch and some of their beliefs. Please hang in there with me, for a writer, I'm not! I'm new to this and I can't always express myself as I want. If I step on any toes, I don't mean to...

Blessed Be!
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