Im known as Nancy or Nan from the outside world. I live in Tennessee, I'm up there in years but still young at heart, so we won't discuss my age. Here I can be who and what I really am and for those who know me, know that I am a Solitary Witch just as they are. I've been Wiccan since I was 10 years old. Of course it was against my family beleifs, but I continued studying all I could and when I became of legal age, and after I was married with children of my own, I started putting all that I learned into the practice of my Religion which is Wicca. It is a recognized religion by our country and has been for quite some time.
Please join me while I tell you about myself and what I'm about, as well as well known facts from much documented materials written on the subject.

I will be putting different types of information here in hopes that you get a better understanding of what Witchcraft is, some of the misconceptions and superstitions of it. How people misconstrue everything because of the closed minds of today

I hope you will find my writings interesting enough to come back and that I can approach this with a sense of humor as well. I'd hate it to be boring for you.

Blessed Be
®The Almighty Sorceress, ©1999-2006
Almighty Imaging and Graphic Designs

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This site is under construction. I've taken the pages down to give them a face lift. I will put them back up as fast as I finish so please bare with me.
